B.A., Human Development Psych;

M.A., Theology, the Book of Changes; Phil. & Psych. of Sage Consciousness
Focus: Contemplative Self-Cultivation, for Global Conflict-resolution


Who am I, and What do I believe?

Primarily, my identity and function is in family life; where, within the context of the Earth as one community, my love is to generate conflict-resolution. To make timely adjustments in my decision-making as a family man, friend, neighbor, teacher, counselor, or YinYang philosopher, I am guided by compassion. At this critical time in history, as an educator, I reflect on stages of character development; whereby, from infancy to sage consciousness, infinitely powerful and unlimited principles of universal creativity are involved, in every influence we enact or are subject to experience. In this sense, consequent to universal creativity being an influence in every specific circumstance of life, my position regarding authentic wisdom is that: Whenever any individual genuinely acts in opposition to any stage of subjective or objective experiences of chaos, every manner of universal creativity is influenced (Mystical Humanism); to thereby manage and abate general influences of ignorance, as a (w)hole® . Moreover, it makes common sense to me that: Timely education for universal human development is key to self-cultivation; adequate enough for individuals, to mature the dynamics of world peace. Based on fundamental principles of perception and visionary powers of consciousness, as virtuous education is employed to magnify the spiritual forces in our personalities, a sustainable culture of peace is destined to grow; predicated on dynamics inherent in sage character development. Consequent to believing that: "Understanding the nature of Change, changes the nature of understanding"; I advise: "Never hold growth hostage to how you believe; but learn to believe, such that growth is insured." For leadership based on the contemplative text that I wrote and recorded as a central tool for global change, my faith is that: Once a critical mass of dialogues is reached based on contemplating The Way to See (W)hole®, the biggest revolution in evolution will be peace.